Command Lines - Heic to Jpg/Png fast.

In this article, I will show you how to convert heic files to jpg/png by using simple command lines. You can convert hundreds of heic photos in one folder at the same time.

Step 1. Download Heic file converter package.

Click here to download the .zip package.

heic file converter command line

Step 2. Unpack the zip file and put them to the folder.

Unpack the .zip file. Copy and paste the two files to the folder where you put the heic files.

convert heic files by using command lines

Step 3. Run the exe file and enter the command line.

Double click "HeicFileConsole.exe" and enter the command line in the promoted CMD window. You can choose to convert heic to jpg or png. After that, enter "start" and press "ENTER" key. The console program will start converting all heic images to jpg or png.

convert heic files by using command lines

Step 4. Process completes.

Wait for a while and you will find all heic files will be converted to the jpg or png files that saved in the same folder.

convert heic files by using command lines